Certification Programme description: Introduction: downloading and installation of application, basic concepts (bitmap graphics, resolution standards, compression); User interface: workspace, commands, palettes, preferences, keyboard shortcuts, navigation through a document, views; Image parameters: rotation, cropping, histogram correction, noise blurring, sharpness improvement, color correction, examples (red eye effect removal, adjusting hue and saturation irises, object geometry corrections); Photomontage: design analysis, editing tools: pen, layers (working with multiple layers, editing, locking, transformations, layer properties, alpha channel), selections (selections stored in files), manual image adjustments (tools, brushes, light and shadow adjustment); Portrait retouching: eyes (hue/saturation, smudge tool), mouth, teeth (sharpening, unsharp mask), skin (eyedropper tool, clone stamp tool, blur tool), hair (chiaroscuro); Silhouette retouch: appearance modification, needed tools (liquify filter, density, liquify panel, pucker tool, bloat tool, reconstruct tool); Website graphics elements: basic aspects (web safe palette, dimensions, fonts, photos), vignette, vector objects, layer style (elements styling, color, gradient, shadow, glow), text objects, small graphics elements, styles, actions (batch sequence), images export (image size, cutting); Print publishing: working on a print publication (image styling, print area, scaling, typography in print publication), offset printing (reproduction of images)
Certification Programme version/revision: EITC/CG/APSv1r2)Earned ECTS credits: 2