Upon participation in testing and verification of the implementation results in several Quantum Information and Communication technological R&D projects especially in the scope of entanglement based generalized quantum cryptography, QKD (Quantum Key Distribution) and QRNG (Quantum Random Numbers Generation), the European Information Technologies Certification Institute has initiated the Quantum Standards Group (QSG).
The Quantum Standards Group joins international experts in relevant fields who are interested in quantum technology and industry specifications and standards development. The support of quantum standards specifications in areas such as QKD, QRNG, QC, etc. will facilitate initiation, adoption and development of such standards by international Standards Developing Organizations leading to a faster uptake of quantum technologies.
If you are a professional with background in cybersecurity, classical or quantum cryptography, networking and communication, computing, modeling or in other fields of IT or QIPC that may relate to quantum standards development you are invited to join the group. The group promotes cooperation in relevant workgroups towards implementation of R&D projects, technological development and deployments focused on defining, supporting and disseminating quantum technology standards. The EITCI QSG activity supports the Quantum Flagship initiative and is a part of the StandICT project of the European Commission Horizon 2020 program.
Consult the list of Members of the EITCI QSG group (last updated on 31st January 2024). The up-to-date listing of all the Members can be found at EITCI QSG LinkedIn Group.
In order to join the EITCI Quantum Standards Group please submit the form below. You can also alternatively request admission with your personal LinkedIn profile at the LinkedIn EITCI QSG Group. Participating in the EITCI QSG by means of membership in the LinkedIn Group may result in missing some of the email communication. If you would like to receive all email communication regarding EITCI QSG activity please submit the form below (you can do it at any time as a QSG Member upon your participation in the LinkedIn EITCI QSG Group). Participation in the QSG does not involve any fees. Upon standards definition and projects implementation you may however engage in technical activities voluntarily or with an adequate remuneration upon availability. Additionally membering the EITCI QSG Group results with EITCI Institute's General Membership with the Membership Fees waived.
Joining the Quantum Standards Group
After 50 years of laboratory work quantum technology emerges to applications. Despite the road to a universal quantum computer is still unclear (even despite major breakthroughs such as the reported quantum supremacy by Google), the quantum race is increasing its pace. All global actors, such as states and leading high-tech corporations pursue advanced quantum devices. Since 1994 discovery of the Shor algorithm it is evident that QIP is a serious threat to classical cybersecurity. The recent milestone breakthrough was a quantum supremacy result historically claimed by Google, in which its Sycamore superconducting 53-qubit quantum computer practically solved a computational problem beyond the capacity of classical computers. This means that universal quantum computation is getting close to reality and classical cybersecurity systems are put in a real danger. But quantum physics also provides a solution: the quantum cryptography. QKD systems are already industry deployed (also with EITCI QSG participation in QC workgroup ), but their critical aspects are now focusing on Quantum Random Numbers Generation (QRNG) and Quantum Information Encryption.
EQRNG QSG Workgroup
Entanglement QRNG Workgroup of Quantum Standards Group
Novel developments (especially with entanglement) surpass limitations of the current randomness technology, but there is a shortage in international standardisation efforts in QRNG domain in contrast to QKD. The current activity of the EITCI QSG is to stimulate international community consolidated in the EU by the QT Flagship to launch international standards collabation in QRNG. Part of this activity is the EQRNG-QSG workgroup, focused on standardization of the Entanglement Quantum Random Numbers Generation.
>> Learn more on the activities of the Entanglement QRNG Workgroup of EITCI QSG
OQP QSG Workgroup
One-Qubit Pad Workgroup of Quantum Standards Group
The StandICT H2020 programme supported activities for technical referencing of this protocol involve extending of a dedicated Quantum Standards Group hosted under EITCI Institute to focus in the area of Generalized Quantum Cryptography and the One-Qubit Pad (OQP) protocol in particular, as the most fundamental primitive for quantum information-theoretic secure encryption of quantum information by employing a multi-qubit entanglement with a single-qubit key. The EITCI OQP-QSG workgroup will proceed drafts of technical standards for general quantum cryptography with OQP protocol enabling generalized qubit-encryption that will be developed towards reference standards shared with other relevant WGs of international SDOs/SSOs, working towards advancing quantum cryptography, beyond encryption of classical information.
>> Learn more on the activities of the One-Qubit Pad Workgroup of EITCI QSG