EITCI Certificate Supplement

Certificate ID:
Certificate type:
EITC The European Information Technologies Certification Programme
Programme name:
EITC/CG/VICG Visual identification in computer graphics
Issue date:
September 2017
Holder's name:
Magdalena Stobinska
Holder's country:
Examination center:
CompSecur Sp. z o.o. Wroclaw Poland
Earned ECTS credits:

Certification Programme examination result and description:

EITC/CG/VICG Visual identification in computer graphics
Certification Programme description: Computer Graphics: computer graphics in the context of visual communication, systems approach as an essential element of modern visual communication, computer graphics division by type of activity, computer graphics functional division, 2D graphics division according to image definition method (vector graphics, raster graphics); Visual identity: functions (image, identity confirmation), designing visual identity, creating visual identity system (steps and areas of system creation, brand book template), designing visual identity in practice (transformations, typography - modifications, graphical element, colour); Typography: designing fonts, font typefaces, typography rules, elements modifications, importance of font typefaces and their visual properties, basics of working with text blocks; Layout: composition (basic composition aspects, varied compositions), block layout, modular grid, typography design in layout, details in layout; Graphics in commerce - visual advertising: advertisement creation, technological considerations (team, technical processing, software), advertising media
Certification Programme version/revision: EITC/CG/VICGv1r2)
Earned ECTS credits: 2

This supplement is a formal attachment to issued certificate.
All rights reserved. European IT Certification Institute, EITCI asbl, Brussels

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