Certification Programme description: Photorealism as a main example of the broad capabilities of Adobe Illustrator: photorealistic techniques (choice of colours, description of features enriching and deepening the project colours), gel-style design (variants of patterns, variants of shapes, colour change, complex shapes), mesh tool (visualization with gradient mesh), design tools; Elements of 3D construction: creating 3D shapes using revolve, shading, graphics, rotations; Perspective Grid: convergent perspective representation; Comic illustration: differences between simple and complex illustrations; Vector graphics basing on photographs; Space in vector illustration: two-point perspective, composition mapping on 3D shapes; Graphic styles: style elements, style creation, style libraries (3D effects, artistic effects, neon effects, illumination effects); Symbols: creating and editing symbols, symbol library, modification of symbol set; Libraries and graphical tools: vector packages, buttons and Internet bars, 3D symbols, artistic textures, graphic elements; Working with brushes in Adobe Illustrator: hand-painted plane, editing brushes with bristles; Methods for rapid modelling in Adobe Illustrator: object dividing command
Certification Programme version/revision: EITC/CG/AI2v1r2)Earned ECTS credits: 2